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We’ve been hinting at it, and sowing vision for it for almost a year now, but we’re here to say, the Canadian Firewall will be built, and will be built soon!! Some of us feel that the enemy was very scared of the year of Harvest, and he was very concerned with the possibility of stadiums and conference centres being filled for Jesus, so he was able to cause a major delay and distraction for many in the kingdom, so instead of BFC Winnipeg on Canada day 2020, we shall give Canada it’s first 24/7 prayer room / Firewall.
This will take a lot of work, man hours, commitment, and resources. We may need a miracle to get this online up and running in less than three months, but by Gods grace, His people, and your help, we can and will do this.

Consider Partnering With Us to Build the Wall
In Nehemiah 7, we see the wall is built, and the doors are put in place. All Israel came together to restore and to build a wall to protect God’s people. Then the Gatekeepers, singers, and priests all took their place. We want to challenge Canada and its intercessors to help us build a protective wall around our nation and around God’s people and purposes.
We want to challenge Canada and it’s intercessors to help us build a protective wall around our nation and around God’s people and purposes.
In the spirit of Nehemiah 7, we are setting up the ‘Build the Wall’ fund of pledging 7$ a month to see this wall built, lit, and continue until Jesus comes.

About Battle For Canada
The Battle for Canada is not a scripted service, much less a fight against flesh and blood. It is about stubbornly standing in the gap, in unity and intercession, til breakthrough and blessings rain upon our land once more. Come, stand, and fight with us. Together, we will chart a course by faith and repentance straight through the oppressive night to a new day.