The DNA of the Battle for “True North Strong & Free”
The Battle
It’s simple, but not easy: first, establish a beachhead, then take the ground. Here’s where it gets tricky.
There is no script. Rather than trying to be clever in the wisdom of man, the Battle for Canada has sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit every step of the way.
Armed With Prayer
Armed with prayer and fasting, in our weakness and His grace, spurred on by dreams and tested in faith, we have watched in awe as key “battle zones” were revealed, each in due season, each with unique mandates to fulfill.
The full purpose of each previous location remained hidden until we committed to the cause and the cost, but what unfolded became a sign of the dynamic kind of dependence on the Holy Spirit which the church must re-embrace.
Led By The Spirit
The Battle for Canada is not a scripted service, much less a fight against flesh and blood. It is about stubbornly standing in the gap, in unity and intercession, til breakthrough and blessings rain upon our land once more.
Come, stand, and fight with us.
Together, we will chart a course by faith and repentance straight through the oppressive night to a new day.

About Battle For Canada
The Battle for Canada is not a scripted service, much less a fight against flesh and blood. It is about stubbornly standing in the gap, in unity and intercession, til breakthrough and blessings rain upon our land once more. Come, stand, and fight with us. Together, we will chart a course by faith and repentance straight through the oppressive night to a new day.